07776 103 785 john@makesportfun.com

Social marketing – why?

According to Active People statistics 6.93 million people do enough activity to benefit their health. However 22 million people would like to do sport more often. There’s a disconnect here. 15 million people want to do more sport but don’t. So why don’t they?...

If everyone’s at it . . .

Here’s a great case study of the popular element of making something fun, easy and popular. Of course you have your own moral code, of course you do, your own sense of right and wrong, just as MPs do. So imagine you park your bike in a bike-shed. A sign says: no...


I recently finished Nudge, a book by economists about how to get people to change their behaviour. Before you drop off to sleep let me say – this book is fantastic. The main point of the book (paraphrased) is as follows: Since people don’t think very hard about the...

Fun, easy and popular

Anyone who’s spent much time around me has probably heard me harp on about making activity fun, easy and popular. Why do I say that so often? Here comes the science part – it’s been proven by hundreds of studies that if you can increase the perceived benefits,...