07776 103 785 john@makesportfun.com

Strategic planning tool

The strategic planning information for outside of London is now back up and running on www.promotingactivity.com. This was down because of the new Sport England website where we link to, but they have now migrated all the content onto the new website and so we’re back...

Find a club and play the game

The FA has launched a brand new film to inspire players to join a club and be a part of the nation’s favourite game. Its designed to encourage people to get up out of their seat and get involved in eleven-a-side football. You can see the video embedded below or...

More than 250 new photos

  There are more than 250 new photos available at photos.makesportfun.com. They’re mostly of disabled people using Inclusive Fitness Initiative (IFI) equipment. I’m always told just how useful people find it to to have good photos to improve their marketing...