07776 103 785 john@makesportfun.com


One of the keys to good marketing is to find out what your customers are thinking. Luckily, nowadays you can do research much more easily and cheaply. I tend to do most of my research online, and my favourite survey tool is surveymonkey.

It’s easy to set up, easy to use and it’s free. There is a premium package, but I find that for most occasions the free version is perfect.

One of best features is that as your answers come in it translates your results into graphs. This has saved me a lot of time and hassle. When I used to do more research with paper forms I would have to import answers to Excel and then create graphs from there. Now its possible to view responses at any point in the process.

If you’re prepared to spend a bit of time messing around with it then you can even customise the look and feel by adding your own colours and logo.

To set up a free account just go to www.surveymonkey.com