07776 103 785 john@makesportfun.com

Sport England photos now in high resolution

We found out recently that we’d uploaded the wrong version of the Sport England photo library, and had only put the low resolution images up. We’ve now corrected that, and the high resolution files (about 10MB each) are available on the site. These images are now high...

71 new netball photos

Back to Netball is a great project run by England Netball. It gets women who aren’t into serious club sport back into netball (see what they’ve done there). They’ve provided 71 extra photos for the Promoting Activity Toolkit photo library. These are available for free...

More than 250 new photos

  There are more than 250 new photos available at photos.makesportfun.com. They’re mostly of disabled people using Inclusive Fitness Initiative (IFI) equipment. I’m always told just how useful people find it to to have good photos to improve their marketing...

Where to get great photos

The right photo can make all the difference when you’re trying to make your marketing stand out. But where do you go to get that ideal photo? As part of my quest to make sport fun, easy and popular I’ve set it up so you can access all the best sites for...