07776 103 785 john@makesportfun.com

When I was at primary school we played football. We played before school, in morning break, in lunch break and after school. And that was fine. I was ok.

When I was at secondary school it was rugby, hockey or cricket. And that was fine. I was ok.

Then when I was 14 my mate Tim McLeish and I found out that if you joined the cross-country team that you only had to to train for half an hour. We were sold.

And then something funny happened. Even though we’d only joined so that we didn’t have to train for so long we actually started enjoying it. Turns out I was good at running, and everybody likes doing things they’re good at. We started winning prizes. Our school was split into houses, and our house only had one trophy when I started school. And that trophy was from the janitors for the most broken windows. When I left they’d had to buy a new trophy cabinet.

Since then I’ve played a series of individual sports, but I still suck at football.

How is this helpful? A lot of people don’t want to “play sport” or “do activity”. They want to play football, or rugby, or go running, or lift weights, or something else completely. When you’re running your marketing you need to find out what someone wants to do so you can promote that activity to them.

If you want a copy of the form we use for data collection at events, or when we run a direct mail campaign, then email me (john@makesportfun.com) and ask me for a copy.

Facebook Ad webinar

If you’re interested in learning more about how to use Facebook Ads to engage inactive people from hard-to-reach groups then you can sign up for our free webinar. In it we’ll cover these steps in more detail and give you a step-by-step guide to setting your ads up.