07776 103 785 john@makesportfun.com

48% of inactive people want to be more active, so you don’t need a complicated message in order to engage them. What we’ve found to work is making it easy for them to get started. So what’s the right message to use in your marketing to get that across?

The message that we’ve found to be most effective is that we will provide the first session for free. This increases both interest and enquiries. It is enough of a “hook” to get people to register their interest with you.

The secondary message to use is the benefit to your target audience. It will vary from segment to segment. It might be:

  • Feel better
  • Competition
  • Spend time with the kids
  • Relieve stress
  • Meet new people

It depends on what age, gender and socio-economic group you’re targeting. So for example if you’re trying to reach the Elaine segment (46-55 year old women), then your headline would be “Free Activity Sessions”, and your secondary messages would be that activity can relieve stress, that there are lots of sessions so something will fit into her schedule and that it can be something she does for some me time. If you were trying to reach the Terry segment (56-65 year old men) then your headline would still be “Free Activity Sessions” but your secondary messages would be completely different.

Go to www.promotingactivity.com and there are marketing plans for each of the Sport England segments. Within those marketing plans it says which are the key benefits that they are interested in.

Lastly, include a call to action, an easy way for them to register their interest. This could be an email address and/ or a phone number.

That’s the approach for messaging that we use in our marketing campaigns, and it engages thousands of inactive people.

If you would like to learn more about how to engage inactive people through effective marketing then why not get us to run a workshop for you. Our workshops get an average of 9/10 feedback, and we would be delighted to help.

Facebook Ad webinar

If you’re interested in learning more about how to use Facebook Ads to engage inactive people from hard-to-reach groups then you can sign up for our free webinar. In it we’ll cover these steps in more detail and give you a step-by-step guide to setting your ads up.