07776 103 785 john@makesportfun.com

Over the years we’ve developed a variety of resources which can help you with your sport or activity marketing. Up till now they’ve been on our main website, or on some mini-sites, I’ve now set up a new page on our website for them to live.


On there are:

  • Our introductory guide to marketing activity.
  • A recording of a 30-minute conference call about the successful Go London Greenwich campaign.
  • The Top 10 ways to increase participation report.
  • The Make Sport Fun book (everything we know about marketing activity. In a book)
  • The Make Sport Fun training site

Some of these resources are free. Some you have to pay for. But I think they’re quite a reasonable cost.

Take a look at the new page.

Please let me know what you think of any of them, and how we could improve them for you, either in the comments below, or by email (john@makesportfun.com).