Key Findings
2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games
- Almost two thirds (63.5%) of adults are slightly or strongly supportive of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
- 85.9 per cent of adults intend to follow the London 2012 Olympic or Paralympic Games; with 25.1 per cent of adults actively getting involved in the Games.
- A significantly higher proportion of BME participants compared to participants with a white background, said they were motivated to do more sport, voluntary work or cultural activities as a result of the UK winning the bid to host the 2012 Olympics.
Sport and active recreation
- 54.4 per cent of adults had participated in active sport at least once in the last 4 weeks.
- 44.0 per cent had participated in moderate intensity sport for at least 30 minutes once in the last week, an increase from 2005/06 (41.2%). 26.4 per cent of adults had participated in moderate intensity sport for at least 30 minutes three times in the last week, an increase from 2005/06 (23.2%).
- Since 2005/06, the proportion of 16-24 year olds participating in sport at least once in the last 4 weeks has decreased, while the proportion of people aged 75+ participating has increased.
- There have been significant increases between 2005/06 and 2011/12 Q3 for adults aged 25-44 doing 1×30 minute moderate intensity sport in the last week, (from 50.0% to 54.4%) and in the 45-64 age groups (from 36.8% to 41.8%).
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