07776 103 785 john@makesportfun.com

In January 2013, diva were commissioned by StreetGames to undertake a social marketing scoping project to gain insight into how to increase participation in sport amongst young people in disadvantaged communities across England.

Qualitative and quantitative scoping work took place, focussed on exploring and understanding the motivations, barriers, and opportunities to inform the approach of engaging 14-16 year males and females in deprived areas across England in
sport. Qualitative research was undertaken with six focus groups at secondary schools across England. This was followed by 360 surveys undertaken by the target audience. The scoping work for this project has highlighted a number of
motivators, and barriers that impact upon the target audiences’ engagement in sport.

For the target audience, limited free time, low self esteem (for females), a lack in confidence (for males and females), a negative perception of their abilities, negative experiences (especially from school), and cost, were barriers that prevented the target audience from taking part in sport outside of school.

Key motivators include, being fit and healthy, improving performance, fun and socialising, achieving personal goals, and teamwork and leadership. It is important that services are developed inline with these motivators so that they fall inline with the target audiences’ core motivations to take part in sport.

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