07776 103 785 john@makesportfun.com



The Brief

Chichester has a higher than average proportion of older people living across the district, many of whom are socially isolated and inactive, and this is only set to increase over the coming years.

Chichester District Council asked Make Sport Fun to work with them to support the work of their wellbeing programme to support and enable the over 65s to become more physically active and less socially isolated.

The objectives:

Our main objectives were to:

  • Increase the amount of activity amongst the over 65s in the Chichester District
  • Reduce social isolation
  • Encourage independence
  • Improve mental wellbeing through activity; and
  • Reach people from areas of deprivation and isolation.

What we did

We know that the over 65s can be a hard to reach audience and we have a lot of experience in this field. We ran a physical activity engagement campaign.


Our results have been very positive. So far, we have beaten all our targets set by the Council.

Key results included:

  • 839 over 65s have registered
  • 530 people have increased their activity levels, by an average of 1.5 hours per week
  • 67% of people accessing the service live in areas of deprivation
  • 94% of participants self report improvements in mental wellbeing
  • 88% of participants self report being less socially isolated
  • 100% of participants rate the service as satisfactory or better.
  • The average cost per person active is £100
  • The cost per Quality Adjusted Life Year is £3750 (calculated using the National Social Marketing Centre’s Value for Money tool). This is well below the £30,000 threshold NICE recommend.

Facebook Ad webinar

If you’re interested in learning more about how to use Facebook Ads to engage inactive people from hard-to-reach groups then you can sign up for our free webinar. In it we’ll cover these steps in more detail and give you a step-by-step guide to setting your ads up.