07776 103 785 john@makesportfun.com

Walk England is a new organisation that brings together everyone working to promote walking. Its aim is to encourage and support more people to choose to walk in England as a way to be healthy, travel and relax. It links all the sectors who have, or should have, walking at their heart : Transport, Health, Education, Recreation/Sport, Urban Design and Environment.

The Walk England website provides information for the individual about walking (highlighting links to key organisations such as The Ramblers, Living Streets, Sustrans and others) and a networking facility for professionals whose remit encompasses walking.

If you would like to engage with people from a broader walking agenda to add value to your work, join today at www.walkengland.org.uk. It takes less than 5 min to join the ‘walking network’. You can then post your own questions and advice, find other professionals in your region and make new partnerships, discover more about the other sectors and what they have to offer to the walking agenda, as well as discuss current issues and share success stories.