I’ve spent much of the last few weeks travelling round the country running Promoting Activity workshops. It’s been a fantastic (if exhausting) experience. I’ve met a lot of great people, learnt about some of the fantastic work being done, and got some really useful feedback about promotingactivity.com.
One of the things that makes workshops, seminars and conferences so useful is the ability to network and meet other people. But it seems crazy that the only way to make new contacts is by happening to meet them at a workshop. We live in a digital age, but there doesn’t seem to be an easy way to make contact with others involved in promoting activity.
Enter LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is Facebook for business (with 38 million members). Fear not – no-one will be updating you on what they got up to on the weekend, instead it allows you to:
- keep in touch with your current contacts and find new ones
- Find phone numbers and email addresses of useful contacts
- See what the people you’re meeting look like before you get there
- Share good practice
And to help all of us involved in promoting sport I’ve set up the LinkedIn Promoting Activity group. You can set up a LinkedIn account and join this group by going to http://www.linkedin.com/e/vgh/1876778/. If you’re not a member then it will ask you to join up, which you can do in 1-2 minutes. I’ve pre-approved everybody getting this email as a member, but please do send the link on to others involved in promoting activity. I’ve included a short paragraph for your newsletter in case that’s helpful.
The future is here – now you can network online
LinkedIn is the Facebook for business. There’s a new group set up to make it easier for you to network online with others working to promote activity in England. To join simply go to http://www.linkedin.com/e/vgh/1876778/ and sign up. It will help you find new contacts and keep in touch with old ones.
promotingactivity.com update – Search tool is back up and running.
The search tool was showing a yellow screen instead of the map for certain activities, and that’s fixed now. We’ve got 16,000 entries so far, and should reach 40,000 by the end of May.