07776 103 785 john@makesportfun.com

Walkfinder widget

Website owners can now add the WalkFinder widget to their website, see www.wfh.naturalengland.org.uk/walkfinder – the code is at the bottom of the page. And they can also add a map of walks near them. Once they do a search for walks, they can get the code to add...

800 free walking photos

Natural England have just put over 800 photos on their website for schemes to use for free to promote healthy walking. Their image library is free, and original photos can be downloaded and used for promotiing healthy walking. Just make sure you credit © Natural...

Free content for your activity marketing campaigns

NHS Choices Live Well are making their content available for use by councils, PCTs and other public sector organisations. You can find dozens of articles about getting fit, cycling, swimming, dancing and lots more at the link below. www.nhs.uk/LiveWell/Fitness Text...

Making blogging a little easier

I’ve been using Live Writer since it came out and I’m a big fan. I’m a big fan of blogging. It helps with Search Engine Optimisation, it allows you to show that you’re knowledgeable on a subject, it’s an easy way of providing useful...