Here’s a great example of a project achieving social aims with sport, using marketing to get more members and doing it all with no budget except what they could get through grants.
Ali Mordey is a project worker at the Haringey Advisory Group on Alcohol and also my running partner and a good friend of mine. He set up a group called Wheels of Recovery to help people recovering from addiction through sport. Talk about a hard to reach group!
Good press asides, I think what we can learn from this is how Ali promoted his group through networking and helping other organisations to reach their goals too. For instance London Cycle Campaign, Haringey Advisory Group on Alcohol and local councils. This has allowed him to get huge uptake of his scheme very quickly because others were keen to promote it for him – it helped them to reach their own goals.
To see what I mean just read this and this newspaper clippings and read about it in more depth in this trade magazine (click on the photo and then turn the pages with the right hand arrow to
page 7, double click on the page to zoom in, and double click and pull
to move the page around).