It seems the Australians are following the same philosophy as I am with my Make Sport Fun business. We should all do our best to Make Sport Fun.
I’ve just heard that our friends down under are running a national campaign encouraging parents to make sport fun and play by the rules.
Minister for Sport and Recreation, Kon Vatskalis, said ‘Play by the Rules’ is a national campaign developed by each State and Territory to remind parents that when watching their children play sport the main goal is to have fun.
Sport is an important part of our great Territory lifestyle, especially for our children, but sometimes parents can take their children’s sport too seriously,” said Mr Vatskalis.
“Thankfully, it is only a small percentage of spectators that are ‘bad sports’, but unfortunately their negative impact on the game and the children can be quite significant.
“This new campaign is all about reminding players, coaches, officials and spectators to ‘Play by the Rules’ and make sport an enjoyable experience for everyone.”
“These ads focus on the pressure some parents place on their children in sport and recreation,” said Mr Vatskalis.
“We want sport to be something kids enjoy and want to do, not something they feel intimidated by.” And of course this approach doesn’t have to end with parents and children, it can equally apply to everyone.
For more information you can see their campaign website.