07776 103 785 john@makesportfun.com

How to Fill Your Martial Arts Classes

Free Online Workshop

Do you have a great martial arts class that your existing clients love and they stick around for years? Are you good at converting leads to paying members? Is your biggest frustration how to get more enquiries, because word of mouth just isn’t enough to grow?

We’re hosting an online training workshop in how to run an effective marketing campaign to engage more people in your activities. It will be delivered by John Ainsworth from Make Sport Fun.

This online workshop will help you to:

  • improve your marketing
  • get more members
  • make more money

To register for a free place please fill in your details below.

About Make Sport Fun
We specialise in marketing campaigns to engage people in sport and activity. We have run these campaigns for over 10 years, have done work for over 100 organisations in the UK, including the Department of Health, Sport England, Macmillan Cancer Support, 50 local authorities, CSPs, NGBs, martial arts academies, personal trainers, dance and fitness studios. 

We’ve run training workshops for over 2,000 people. In the past few years we’ve been running digital marketing campaigns, specifically Facebook ad campaigns with great results and very cost effectively. We’ll share our learnings from these campaigns in our free workshop.

This approach will get you results

  • Chris, a martial arts instructor has now filled up his academy with over 145 paying members and has opened a second academy.
  • Elle, a boutique fitness studio owner, got 13 new regular paying members in the first month of the Facebook ad campaign.
  • Leon, a personal instructor we’ve helped has got 26 paying clients in the last few weeks alone.
  • Elliot, a martial arts instructor received 38 enquiries for two of his academies in a 3 week campaign.



About the online workshop

This training workshop will cover:

  • how to make your marketing ten times as effective
  • our 2-step marketing process, and why you should use it
  • why Facebook Ads are the best way to target nearly all audiences
  • the marketing messages and imagery that do work
  • case studies of campaigns that worked
  • the exact steps to follow to engage more people in your activities

We will explain how we can help at the end of the workshop.

All you need to take part is a computer on the internet and headphones for listening in. The workshop will last just under an hour.

This workshop gets extremely positive feedback (9.2/10 on average). We’ve had hundreds of people attending it, since we’ve started delivering it in January this year, and people are now implementing what they’ve learnt and are filling up their activity sessions with paying members.

‘It was really interesting and included all those usual tripping points when approaching people. Facebook is looking like the way forward!’ Jo

‘Gives you an idea of the best marketing practice and where to find more information on what next.’ Lorna

Extremely informative and wanting more.’ Simon

‘Very clear intro to FB marketing’ Tim

‘A practical guide for delivering a Facebook ad campaign with lots of examples of what has worked elsewhere.  Very clear explanation of key steps to go through to develop a successful campaign.  Thanks’ Vanessa

To register for a free place please fill in your details below.