07776 103 785 john@makesportfun.com

Important information for Adults 

Active Bucks against Covid-19

Free online fitness classes brought to you by local Buckinghamshire Instructors – try Pilates, Circuits, Yoga, Clubbercise and many more activities for free

 Free home workout resources with qualified trainers:

 Illustrated 1-page workouts – great as printouts

 IPrescribeExercise App – free fitness app which allows you to develop a 12 week tailored fitness plan especially you (approved by the NHS). You don’t need a smart watch to use it.

 Online exercise videos – for Aerobic, Strength and Pilates + Yoga – ranging from 10 minutes to 45 minutes. Beginner and Intermediate.

 Strength and Flexibility – 5-week fitness plan

 This Girl Can home exercise guide

Sport England – Join the Movement


5 Top Tips:

  1. Buddy up!
    • Can you buddy up with someone in your household or virtually to make home workouts more fun and keep each other motivated?
  2. Build activity into your daily routine
    • How are you using the time you spent commuting to work or travelling to school, or on your lunchbreaks?
  3. Get active your way
    • We’re all different, find the activity works for you
  4. Plan to start slowly
    • Build your activity level gradually, unless you are already exercising frequently and vigorously
  5. Remember to drink water and eat a balanced diet
    • As well as staying active, don’t forget to stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet to look after yourself during this time